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Avatar will work with travel agents, but not in the old traditional way.
Once registered as an affiliate agencies will be able to login and have access to purchase seats on any flight and will not have to put the passengers name in until checkin time. In addition, they will have access to purchase tour packages at wholesale rates and charge their client whatever they feel appropriate.
For a limited time only a single office agency will pay a application fee of $450 along with a membership fee of $5,000 which is fully refundable prior to certification. After certification the fee will automatically be raised to $25,000 for a single office agency. That agency will be listed on our website as a preferred provider with a hot link to their website in a fully searchable database.
Our affiliates will receive periodic offers and promotions not offered to the general public. The number of agency affiliates will be limited.
Avatar will contract with major tour operators who will provide complete packages including hotel and rent-a-cars, as well as other local area promotions at wholesale prices. The general public will not have access to this portion of our website.