AVATAR AIRLINES plans to operate “ultra-low fare” non-stop flights to and from high-density markets within the Continental U.S. and Hawaii. Avatar plans to fly exclusively the Boeing 747 and believes that this type of aircraft will give us a competitive pricing advantage over most other airlines on our planned domestic routes, in that the 747 aircraft will give us the ability to offer deeply discounted “ultra-low” fares. Avatar would have liked to have found a single word to describe how Avatar is going to be way more cost-effective than the competition.
There just isn’t a single word to describe it. Everything about Avatar will make it more cost-effective than the competition: use of the Boeing 747, ultra-low fares, high capacity occupancy, increased passenger traffic and revenue, additional profit centers for cargo, branding, catering, in-flight entertainment and vacation packaging.

The Boeing 747 travels at an average cruising speed of 565 mph, compared to typical 737 traveling at 520 mph. By way of example, a typical flight from New York to Los Angeles on a 747 would save about 30 minutes of air time, compared to that same flight on a 737. Avatar can get you there faster than the competition. How you spend that extra time, is of course up to you.